The Old Hymerian Lodge were honoured when asked if we might sponsor the formation of a new lodge in the province going to be called The Cornerstone Lodge.
The Cornerstone Lodge was to be formed from a group of masons from the province who were a mixture of young both in age and masonic tenure and also those young of heart but perhaps not so young in age or fraternal years.
The Cornerstone Circle as it was before it was consecrated into the Cornerstone Lodge 10051 was an initiative as a new take on the former Light Blues Club, which essentially is a collection of likeminded masons with an urge to do some visiting of other lodges in the province and increase their masonic knowledge with a sprinkling of fun thrown in for some added measure.
Having enjoyed each others company visiting lodges, chatting online and via a WhatsApp group, the members decided to enquire with the province if they might be able to create a new lodge with an idea to promote learning and an understanding of the Craft amongst like-minded Freemasons. As an additional twist to the regular meetings, it was decided that the lodge would be peripatetic and move around the province of Yorkshire North and East Riding with an idea of creating a bond with not only the brethren but their families too.
Finally the day was here – Consecration Day – 23rd March 2024 tiling at 11am with all brethren to be seated in the lodge room for 11:45am.
After the ceremonial duties were performed to create the new lodge, the newly formed lodge essentially held an installation ceremony to invest and install the officers of the lodge – which went smoothly and promptly.

When the lodge business was then concluded but, there was only one thing yet to do – EAT!
So, all 100 masons descended to the dining room to make acquaintance with their pre-ordered beverages to quench their thirst before enjoying a three course meal after which a variety of toasts were proposed and responded too, with an odd song thrown in to keep us on our toes.
A new tradition was formed in which when a toast had been saluted in true masonic fashion it was then fired with a resounding VIVAT!
A great day was had by all – four members of the Old Hymerian Lodge took office within the newly formed lodge (Junior Warden, Junior Deacon, Assistant Director of Ceremonies and Tyler) but many more were in attendance to witness the occasion.