Other websites, both Masonic and non-Masonic.  If you would like a link to your site here, please contact us.


Please note: We cannot guarantee that the following links from this page have been approved by the United Grand Lodge of England. Neither can we guarantee that all links from their pages are recognised by, or have the approval of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Non-Masonic Links

Old Hymerian School Crest

Old Hymerians Association Online – http://www.oldhymerians.com/
The association for those who were taught at Hymers College, and those who taught them.

Hymers College, Hull – http://www.hymerscollege.co.uk/
Hymers College School website

Local Masonic Lodge Links

The Cornerstone Lodge 10051 – https://www.10051.org/ – Our Daughter Lodge

Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696 – https://www.wyke2k.org.uk/ – Our Daughter Lodge

Humber Lodge 57 – https://www.humber57.org.uk/

Phoenix Lodge 9963 – https://www.9963.org.uk/

Juno Lodge 10001 – https://www.junolodge10001.org.uk/

De La Pole Lodge 1605 – https://www.delapolelodge605.org.uk/

Holderness Lodge 3563 – https://www.3563.org.uk/

General Masonic Links

United Grand Lodge of England – http://www.ugle.org.uk/
Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London.

Provincial Grand Lodge of Yorkshire North and East Ridings – https://yorkshirenerfreemasons.org.uk

The New Masonic Samaritan Fund On-Line – http://www.msfund.org.uk/
Independent charity which provides support for sick and infirm Freemasons, their families and dependants who are in need.

The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys – http://www.rmtgb.org/
Mission:- … to relieve poverty and provide an education and preparation for life for the children of the family of a Freemason and, where funds permit, for any children.

The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution – http://www.rmbi.org.uk/
Providing Sheltered Accommodation, Residential and Nursing Care in RMBI Homes for older Freemasons and their dependants.

Directory of English Lodges’ Web Sites 
An externally maintained directory of Lodge, Provincial, and related web sites.

The Federation of School Lodges – http://schoollodges.wordpress.com/