On Saturday, 5th November, 1949, the Old Hymerian Lodge No. 6885 was consecrated by the Most Hon The Marquess of Zetland, KG, GCSI, GCIE, PC, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master (Yorkshire, North and East Ridings.)
The Lodge was formed as a result of the enthusiasm of the Headmaster of the school at the time, William Victor Cavill.
He gathered together sufficient Old Hymerians to form a steering committee in 1948. Several meetings were held to determine such matters as the timing and frequency of meetings, the subscription and other fees, the Ritual to be worked, and the location of the Lodge meetings.
Before the consecration it was decided that a prerequisite of membership should be membership of the Old Hymerians Association. Perhaps that was because membership of the association was an indication that a man showed an interest in the school, and perhaps it neatly helped to define who was eligible to join the lodge without requiring a list of pedantic or proscriptive membership rules to be defined.
However as the years have moved along, there is no requirement that you must have attended the school anymore or have any affiliation with the school in any form.
The Old Hymerian Lodge accepts men over the age of 21 (younger if the son of a mason) – if you are interested in becoming a member of The Old Hymerian lodge please get in touch with us.