Roy Celebrates 60 Years in Freemasonry
On Thursday 8th August 2024, Jeff Gillyon travelled to Crook in County Durham and presented a Certificate to Roy Burge to celebrate his 60 years in Freemasonry. Roy was initiated in the Old Hymerian Lodge on 9th April 1964. The day was, however, about far more than the presentation of a Certificate. It was an…
New Lodge Formed – Vivat!
The Old Hymerian Lodge were honoured when asked if we might sponsor the formation of a new lodge in the province going to be called The Cornerstone Lodge. The Cornerstone Lodge was to be formed from a group of masons from the province who were a mixture of young both in age and masonic tenure…
New Website
Just a very quick post to highlight the new refreshed look and feel of the Old Hymerian Lodge website – new content to come!
Celebrating 50 Years in Freemasonry
On Thursday 8th February 2024, Jeff Gillyon the Past Grand Superintendent presented a certificate to Companion David Harrison to celebrate his 50 years in Royal Arch Masonry. In addition to being a Royal Arch mason for more than 50 years, David has been a Craft mason for more than 56 years, having been initiated in the…
Founders Night November ’23
Every year we celebrate our founders who gathered back in 1949 to create The Old Hymerian Lodge. Like any party – there should always be cake! We raised a glass to our founders to thank them and we ate cake! Delicious it was too – no doubt W.Bro Crozier was perhaps enjoying the rest of…